Monday, July 21, 2008


我工作的部门,绝对是公司其中一个最会浪费金钱的部门。去年年尾,有几个同事凑巧大病,和上司闲谈的时候,她问 "Do u think this is just a coincident our people sick at the same time or something else?",我开玩笑的回答 "I think maybe it's because of bad feng shui in our office."。过后,她竟然写了一封Memo申请风水老来办公室看风水。风水老开了一个 "超级美" 的价钱RM4,888.00,但是公司的马来Director,居然 批准她的Memo。风水 "大师" 气派不凡,左手还戴着金 Rolex, 来到我部门的时候,左看右看,然后就对她说 "啊呀,糟糕了,你Department的玻璃门很有 '杀气' ,你看,有人开门的时候,'杀气' 就冲向每个人,怪不得你的Department有这么多人病。要化解这股 '杀气',第一 : 要背向玻璃门,第二 : 要建一栋墙,阻挡这股 '杀气',第三 : 要多做好事 ( "大师",是我向她提出这个建议,让你大捞一笔,我算不算已经是做了一件好事?)。过后,大家都照做,结果搬东西的时候,不小心压扁了不少 "小强",搞到 "尸横遍野,血流成河" (唉,很无辜的 "小强"。) 。不过话说回头,花了万多元,除了现在可以乘机望望对面部门的美女同事之外,已经七个月了,我真的感觉不到大家有任何的改善。("大师",你要请人做 part-time 的时候,请记得找我,我们可以五五分账,不满可以商量。)

还有就是刚不久,我那组的某位仁兄就向她投诉说 : "Boss, my computer so slow, I need a powerful computer so that I can do my work 'efficiently'。" (其实这位仁兄是出名的 "蛇王", 喜欢在上司不在的时候‘玩失踪’,躲藏技术一流。)。一个星期后,全组人的电脑,由Pentium 变成 Pentium II, 15"寸CRT 显示器变成17"寸 LCD 显示器, 还有DVD机。我搞不懂为什么要换这么high-end的电脑,我通常只用Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Outlook, 还有趁上司不在才开的 Solitaire。不过也很感激这位仁兄的投诉,因为...................................有时候在Stay back,"闷闷地" 的时候,我也会开周星驰的戏来看,一来可以"'工作兼娱乐",二来不会 "浪费资源"。

最后,最近接了某个部门一个很大的 System Upgrade Project,上司在weekly progress meeting 问 : "Can you guys able to meet the project timeline ?",我答 : "We are uncertain whether able to meet the project timeline as we don't have enough resources to work on it,however WE WILL TRY OUR VERY BEST to finish it." (其实可以在限期内完成,不过不想 "做到残",所以先前已经和其他同事 "夹口供",讲这种 WE WILL TRY OUR VERY BEST "伟大" 的话来应酬她.)。"OK, I will look into the resources problem." 她好像不用考虑的回答。三天过后,她竟然写了一个email给我们,内容是 ......................................................

"XXX & Khoo,

Hi good news folks, I got two contract consultants for yours. They cost us > RM60,000 per month, so please plan carefully what u want them to do and please make full use of them."

(*%&$%&, 看到 cost us > RM60,000 per month,我有种要吐血的感觉。)


fufu said...

the title and the content not match la! should be 浪费 or 奢侈...since company is making money(with you guys help) i guess they should upgrade a bit just to shut some mouths up, well if the company look nice with new PC, new decorating, etc it would give client/customer a good image on the company =)

Anonymous said...


古小玉 said...

too much 浪费 = 折堕 lor. Anyway, change title already. We don't deal with customers because we are customer too, I mean we always give business to ppl.

@Lex 旦 said...


古小玉 said...

你讲对了一半,我的公司的确和钱有关,而且还是一间超级 "大耳窿" 公司。

JiaNi said...


Shen said...

To me, very weird lor for your Director to approve the memo to ask some fengsui master to come to your office lo... Don't tell me year end report they will include the fengsui fees for everyone to read? Or they will charge in under 'operating cost'?

If they are going to charge in under 'operating cost', then you know la... someone must be very hungry inside...!